Wednesday, 4 November 2009

DIY Couture

In these dark times of economic downturn, the ever-present threat of global warming and Cheryl Cole's world domination (sure she's cute, but she's EVERYWHERE now...even Loreal couldn't resist those dulcet Geordie tones) what we need is something to save us money, make us smile and be 100% stylish. Enter Maison Martin Margiela.

Want a new jacket? Easy, just re-use all those ballpoint pens you bought at the beginning of the semester when you were sure that this was going to be the year you actually did some work. A bit of sticky-back plastic here and a safety pin or two and voila, you've got yourself a pretty good replica of MMM's new look...

Remember when false eyelashes were cool? (Cheryl Cole even endorsed a pair...) Did you bulk in fear that World War Three was nigh and you didn't want to look uncool in your nuclear bunker? Need something to do with those spidery fiends? Look no further for inspiration than our dear friends at Maison Martin Margiela...

It's like Blue Peter for (super stylish) adults. Get out the glitter and safety scissors and begin creating!

1 comment:

Róisín Straver said...

I honestly couldn't stop laughing when i read this, fantastic! Its amazing what a lot of people believe is fashion nowadays like art people see a broken lamp in a gallery...ART....i do like the pen idea perhaps MMM is taking inspiration from Lady Gaga, how can anyone make money on it?